1 Week Snapshot of Refine YOU Nutrition

1-Week Snapshot

Nutrition in The Refine YOU Program

The Refine YOU Program: Customized Online Weight Loss Program

Have you ever wondered what a week of meals looks like for a client in the Refine YOU Program?

Preface: I have been wanting to share something like this for some time now, but have found it hard to decide what to share. The reason behind this hesitation is that each client in The Refine YOU Program has their own custom nutrition plan. All the plans are different. Each client’s plan is determined by a detailed assessment that each client completes prior to starting the program. This is one of the things that makes The Refine YOU Program unique! The Refine YOU Program is not a one size fits all program that uses the same techniques on everyone and lumps everyone together doing the same thing and only changing up the calories. Each person is unique and needs a program that fits their needs, their goals, their body, and their lifestyle. However, I wanted to demonstrate that you will be surprised on how much delicious you can eat if you are just eating the right things and you can still sneak in the occasional treat on a date night out or at a party.

ONE WEEK Snapshot of Meals in The Refine YOU program

Keep in mind that this is a sample of one person in the program. This is NOT, by any means, a sampling of everyone. As I stated, each person gets their own custom plan. This is a representation of just one type of person, not everyone.

I included a dinner night out at a steakhouse and a lunch on the go as well as snacks on the go and ALL of the meals are quick and easy to make!


Breakfast-Scrambled Egg Breakfast Muffins, 2 servings

Lunch-Mann’s Power blend Super-food Salad Mix 3 cups, Skinless Chicken Breast, 2 T EVOO Stir Fry with seasoning

Dinner- 1/2 cup Sweet Potato, Zucchini Noodle Pasta 2 cups, Organic Marinara Sauce, 6oz Baked chicken breast

Snacks- Habenero Baked Chickpeas 1 serving, 1/2 cup pistachios


Breakfast- Protein Shake

Lunch- Leftover Zucchini Noodle Pasta with Chicken

Dinner- Bowl with Mexican Zucchini and Beef skillet with 1 cup of steamed cauliflower rice

Snacks- Pecans 1 serving, 1.5 Cup Blueberries


Breakfast- 3 Eggs, 3 slices of Bacon

Lunch- Salad with lettuce, light Italian dressing, grilled chicken breast, avocado, red and green peppers, peas and carrots

Dinner- Tortilla crusted tilapia and Steamed Broccoli

Snacks- Apple, Guacamole Deviled eggs


Breakfast- 2 eggs, 2 links of organic Turkey sausage

Lunch- Leftover Bowl with Mexican Zucchini and Beef skillet with 1 cup of steamed cauliflower rice

Dinner- Salmon Burger with Mikey’s almond flour English muffin (as bun), lettuce and sriracha ranch dressing with Sweet potato skins

Snacks- 2 pieces of dark chocolate, pistachios 1 serving


Breakfast- Overnight oats with steel cut oats, Unsweetened almond milk, strawberries and blueberries, cinnamon

Lunch- Cobb Salad (chick-fil-a) with grilled chicken nuggets, Light Italian Dressing

Dinner- Salmon Filet, Steamed Mixed Vegetables, Side salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette Dressing

Snacks- Protein Bar, 1 serving of Cashews


Breakfast- 3 Eggs, 2 slices of bacon

Lunch- baked tilapia, 1 cup brown rice, 1 cup broccoli

Dinner- Steakhouse Dinner- Petite Filet, Brussels Sprouts, 2 glasses of Chardonnay

Snacks-Baby Carrots, 1/2 serving of Pistachios


Breakfast- Overnight oats with steel cut oats, Unsweetened almond milk and Peanut butter

Lunch- Chicken Caesar Salad (Primal Kitchen Dressing with avocado oil)

Dinner- Spaghetti Squash Casserole and Roasted Asparagus

Snacks- Protein bar on the go

You can see that The Refine YOU Program provides a good balance and allows you to have some wine, some chocolate, go out to eat, go through the drive thru, make it work, and still get the results that you want. You DO NOT need to starve yourself, or severely restrict yourself to get trim. The trick is learning how to eat the foods YOU enjoy, not having someone tell you what to eat for every single meal. Having someone telling you exactly what to eat every day (of course) would make things easier, but what if you do not like the foods? What if you have food allergies or sensitives? In addition, what will you do after the program is over and you have to make the choices on your own? If you have someone telling you exactly what to eat for 6 weeks and then you are on your own, you will not really know what to do outside of what you were given. What if you go on vacation or out to eat? If you do not learn, you will not be able to make the right choice to be able to maintain this long term.

The Refine YOU Program does give a week of sample meals and does have a recipe library with HUNDREDS of recipes along with guidance on how and when to use them. The Program also provides cheat sheets galore to help you with portion sizes, choosing the right foods, and food substitutions. The Program will give you a custom nutrition plan and teach you how to eat without “dieting” so you will be able to maintain your results long term.

For more information about the Refine YOU Program CLICK HERE for answers to your FAQ’s.

To hear directly from clients that have participated in the program CLICK HERE to see how they have been able to reach their goals and maintain them.

If you need guidance and don’t know where to start to reach your health and fitness goals, The Refine YOU Family would love to help and support you in your journey. If you have any questions, feel free to CONTACT US!

Be The Healthiest YOU Possible, MIND BODY and SPIRIT!

Nutrition The Refine YOU Program: Customized Online Weight Loss Program