How to Improve Your Immunity

Things you can do to Boost your Immune System

how to improve immunity, improve immune system

Eat healthy foods

Nutrition is the most important factor when it comes to your health. Your nutrition is your body’s fuel to run and function optimally. If you do not fuel your body with the nutrition it needs, it will not run efficiently and effectively. This is just like fuel for your vehicle, if you do not use the right fuel for your car, it will not run very well and might do harm. Same goes for your nutrition.

If you fuel your body with unhealthy, processed foods, your body cannot run optimally. These foods like chips, soda, and most snacks contain calories but these calories are what we call “empty calories.” This means calories you are eating are made up of minimal vitamins and nutrients. In addition to avoiding processed foods, avoid drinking alcohol regularly. Too much alcohol consumption can weaken your immune system and put you at higher risk of getting sick.

On the other hand, if you eat healthy foods that are “nutrient dense” or nutritious, they are full of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients and are just what the body needs work properly and are good for your immune system. Foods that contain beta-carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin D, and Zinc are good foods to boost your immunity.

Here is a list of foods that are immune system boosters:

Citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruit, lemons, limes, tangerines, clementines), Red Bell Peppers, Broccoli, Garlic, Spinach, Yogurt, Almonds, Green tea, Kiwi, Sunflower seeds, Pumpkin seeds, Walnuts, Poultry, Shellfish, Eggs, Elderberries, Mushrooms, Acai Berries, Sweet Potatoes, Carrots


how nutrition improves immunity
  • Search for recipes that contain these foods

  • These foods are primarily on outer perimeter of grocery stores

  • Most of these foods need minimal preparation and can be eaten as a snack or dessert on their own

  • Don’t forget you can add some of these foods as toppings on salad, steel cut oats, yogurt, etc.

  • If your supply is limited, you can buy what you can fresh and freeze most fruits vegetables and meat. Try to stock up on frozen fruits, vegetables, and meat. Also stock up on canned fruits, vegetables, and boxed/bags of rice and beans when you can.

  • When you are starting new eating habits, start with one thing at a time. Don’t make unrealistic severely restrictive changes all at once. For example, make it a habit to have a healthy protein for every dinner for one week. Then make it a habit to do this for ever lunch and dinner for a week. Then make it a goal to have a vegetable for every dinner for one week.


If you are vitamin deficient, or have other health conditions then your doctor might recommend a supplement. I would check with your physician before going on vitamins or supplements. Some supplements can interact with medications you might be taking. There are a lot of products out there that boast that they “support immunity.” Since these are not monitored or tested by the FDA, I would be wary of these. My advice to my clients is, if you are going to take a supplement, be sure its okay by your doctor and do your research.

You will find entire aisles in the store of vitamins, supplements, and herbs. Again, keep in mind that vitamins and supplements are not monitored by the FDA.


  • Avoid large chain generic supplements that may have harmful additives

  • Avoid supplements that have fillers and binding agents

  • Look for Certified organic, non-GMO certified vitamins

  • Natural Real Food Vitamins are the best because in the ingredients they will list actual real food

  • There are some sites you can check on how well a product works like, Science Direct, Examine

Exercise and Maintain a Healthy Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight directly correlates to your health and your immunity. There is no question that obesity leads to an increase risk of disease, and infection.

Exercising regularly has huge health benefits that protect you against heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis and can also be an immune system booster.

Exercise also benefits your mind and spirit by giving us an endorphin rush and the satisfaction that you have done something good for yourself. Exercise can help relieve stress, help you feel more relaxed, and boost your mood.

Most people think that to lose weight you have to exercise all of the time when in fact, what you eat has more to do with losing weight than exercise. However, exercise is important and to start a new exercise routine the key is to start implementing small changes at a time vs. a huge change that you will most likely not stick to. Start by going for a 20-minute walk 3 times the first week, then bump it up to 4 times the second week, then increase the time to 30 minutes, etc.


how exercise improves immunity
  • Get outside every day if you can. If you can get outdoors for your workouts or a walk, try to do this as much as you can at home or at work.

  • Start a “challenge” like a 30 day push up challenge or plank challenge. For one minute a day do as many push ups as you can in a minute or hold a plank for a minute. If you can’t do it for a full minute write the time down or the number of push ups you could complete. Then at the end of 30 days, you will be surprised how strong you have gotten. You can do this at home or at work!

  • If you are used to exercising regularly, you can get optimal workouts at home with minimal equipment. With a set of dumbbells and a chair or bench you can do very effective strength workouts at home. I have been doing strength workouts primarily at home for 3 years now and I offer clients in the Refine YOU program the option to do strength workouts at home OR at the gym. Refine YOU workouts are available to purchase outside of the Refine YOU Program.

  • Even with zero equipment, you can walk, jog, run, do interval workouts, HIIT workouts, and body weight exercises with no equipment.

  • If you need guidance on workouts, there are hundreds of workout apps and programs that are all virtual and online. Refine YOU offers 6 weeks of at home workouts with free guides.

  • Get an accountability partner. Find someone to keep you accountable with your workouts and check in with each other. The refine you program has daily accountability for workouts and nutrition.

  • Use the stairs. If you have stairs at home or at work, use them! If you need a break, take that time, put on some tunes, and go up and down the stairs.  

Improve how you deal with stress

When you are in stress your body releases stress hormones. This has to do with your fight or flight response. If you are under stress, your body is in “fight mode” and this activates your stress hormones. With chronic stress and being in “fight mode” too much, you can suppress your immune system.

While you cannot control the environment or what happens to you and what happens around you, you can improve how you deal with stress.


how to decrease stress
  • Use your support system, talk to your friends and family when you need to release some stress

  • Exercise can be a great way to relieve some stress. Try to put on some of your favorite music and go for a walk or jog.

  • Be positive. With every stressful situation, try to look at the bright side of things and try to see the glass as half full, not empty. So much of how we experience life is a matter of our perception and perspective.

  • Start a gratitude practice- Grab a notebook or a sheet of paper and each day in the morning when you first wake up or right before you go to bed, write down 1-3 things that you are grateful for. Do this for a week and you will begin to see a shift and the longer you do this you will begin to change your thought patterns and form the habit of gratitude.

  • Practice Deep breathing exercises

  • Meditate or start a yoga practice-  Meditate (there are many free meditating apps you can try. Headspace is one that I like and they do have a free trial). The Peloton App also has some meditation classes including some specifically to meditate prior to going to bed.

  • If you are working from home:

    Have a separate work space at home preferably near a window

    Set regular hours and stick to the schedule

    Get dressed for work

    Schedule breaks

    Socialize when you can with colleagues 

Get enough SLEEP

Sleep plays a huge role in your health and happiness. How do you feel when you are sleep deprived? If you are like me, you have more cravings, your thinking is impaired, and you are more irritable.

During sleep your body repairs and restores itself. It heals itself by rebuilding tissue and eliminating toxins. Sleep also regulates your hormone levels. If you do not get enough sleep, you put your body in more stress which can activate your body’s stress response.

Be sure you are getting enough sleep every night. Everyone needs a different amount but most studies indicate about 7 hours of sleep, but everyone is different. What amount is your sweet spot? Be honest with yourself and try to get that every night.


  • Routine is key-go to bed and wake up at the same time every day

  • Get sun exposure first thing in the am. Sit by the window while you have your morning cup of coffee.

  • Exercise- regular exercise can relieve stress, help you sleep and boost your mood

  • Avoid caffeine after 3pm

  • Watch the sunset when possible- this helps with resetting cortisol and melatonin which are important hormones in your sleep-wake cycle.

  • Reduce overhead lighting in the evenings

  • Turn on “night mode” on your phone and reduce Blue light. I have blue light blocking glasses (with no prescription).

  • End screen time one hour before bed

  • While sleeping set your phone on airplane mode or turn it off

Your health directly impacts your immunity. If you maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating nutritious foods, maintaining a healthy weight, exercise regularly, maintain a low stress level, and get enough sleep you will have a healthier immune system and improve your ability to fight illness and disease.

If you need guidance on how to implement these strategies in your life contact your physician, or find a well trained individual to help you. The Refine YOU Program, run by physician assistant and nutritionist Kim Goletz, offers 7 week online customized nutrition and workout plans to fit your lifestyle to help you reach your health and fitness goals. The Refine YOU Program utilizes a 360 degree approach for a total transformation, Mind, Body, and Spirit. Refine YOU also offers workouts that you can do at home OR at the gym at your level with linked video demonstrations on how to perform each exercise.

It is never too late to take the steps to become the Healthiest YOU possible. If you have any questions feel free to contact us. Stay Healthy and Stay Happy!