How to Effectively Burn Fat

How to Effectively Burn Fat

In the pursuit of becoming healthier, you may be looking for the most effective ways to burn fat. It is important to understand that you can not target certain areas. You cannot choose where you want your body to lose fat. Many of my clients want to get rid of stubborn belly fat, but it is impossible to only target one area. No amount of crunches will get rid of belly fat and give you six pack abs when you are eating incorrectly. The way to reducing fat is in the kitchen, not just in the gym. However, combining exercise and the proper diet is the best bang for your effort in losing fat and gaining or maintaining muscle.

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The Refine you program

Provides a customized nutrition plan and workouts with daily accountability to keep you on track.

Here are some tips to help you effectively burn fat…

  1. Eat the right amount.

    You will need eat the right amount of food to lose fat and lose weight. Most people are not eating the correct serving sizes of the foods they are eating and are overeating without even realizing it. Start to measure your foods and weigh your food with a simple food scale. You might be surprised how much you were eating. Just doing this might jump start some weight loss by just eating the right serving sizes. In addition to having the correct serving sizes of foods you should be in a calorie defecit to lose weight (cut calories). Be sure not to cut calories too severely because doing this for too long can do more harm than good. When you are eating less calories, what makes up the food you eat is very important to help fuel your body, keep your energy up, and prevent severe hunger that can lead to overeating to compensate.

  2. Eat the right kinds of foods.

    When you are cutting calories and eating less, what you ARE eating becomes more important. Your body needs the right type of fuel from food to run and promote fat loss. Just like your car needs the right type of fuel, your body needs it too! Eating the right amounts of protein, fats (the good kind), carbohydrates, and fiber can help you feel energized and help you feel full, even if you are eating less and losing weight. Eating the right foods also helps prevent muscle loss and can help you gain muscle at the same time as losing fat. Check out this article about macros (carbs, fat, and protein) and why they are so important to fat loss.

3. Get in the gym and lift weights!

Lifting weights is the only way to build muscle. The more muscle mass you have, the faster your metabolism will be. It is estimated that for every pound of muscle you gain, your body burns 35-50 more calories per day. So, 4 pounds of muscle means 120-200 more calories per day burned, which is 10 pounds per year.

Without weight training you can lose weight, however, you will simply become a smaller version of what you were. If you want to shape your body into a lean, toned, fit looking physique, you are going to have to build some muscle while shedding those unwanted pounds.

This means your overall weight loss might not be as rapid, but with a solid strength training program, you will see fat loss and get a leaner, more shapely version of you.

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4. Incoporate HIIT Training.

HIIT burns calories while working out, but continues to burn calories long after working out. Research has shown that HIIT workouts increase your body's resting metabolic rate for 24 hours after your workout is complete. Simply put, your metabolism speeds up for 24 hours after your HIIT workout. High-intensity interval training is one of my favorite ways to burn a ton of calories in a short amount of time. HIIT gets your heart pumping and your body sweating.

5. Get Rest.

Sleep plays a huge role in your health and happiness. How do you feel when you are sleep deprived? If you are like me, you have more cravings, your thinking is impaired, and you are more irritable.

During sleep your body repairs and restores itself. It heals itself by rebuilding tissue and eliminating toxins. Sleep also regulates your hormone levels. If you do not get enough sleep, you put your body in more stress which can activate your body’s stress response which can prevent you from losing weight.

Be sure you are getting enough sleep every night. Everyone needs a different amount but most studies indicate about 7 hours of sleep, but everyone is different. What amount is your sweet spot? Be honest with yourself and try to get that every night.

6. Improve how you deal with stress.

When you are in stress your body releases stress hormones. This has to do with your fight or flight response. If you are under stress, your body is in “fight mode” and this activates your stress hormones. With chronic stress and being in “fight mode” too much, you can suppress your immune system.

While you cannot control the environment or what happens to you and what happens around you, you can improve how you deal with stress.

7. Drink plenty of water.

Drinking enough water throughout the day is beneficial for your overall health.

  • Helps you lose weight and manage weight

  • Flushes out Toxins

  • Improves your complexion

  • Boosts your immune system and brain power

  • Provides Energy

  • Keeps you regular

  • Prevents backaches headaches, cramps, and sprain

  • Helps you feel better and keeps you healthy!

    Stop drinking your calories. This is a big one for a lot of people. Drinking alcohol, soda, juices, and the additions to your coffee and Starbucks treats add up quickly! Simply cutting out these beverages and drinking more water can help you lose weight. Click here for an article with tips.

Bottom line, combining exercise AND nutrition will give you the best bang for your effort but your nutrition is much more important when it comes to losing weight and losing fat. You cannot “work off” a bad diet. I have many clients that have limitations to exercise and they are still able to lose fat by eating correctly. If you need guidance to help find the amount of calroies you should be eating, your macro breakdown (how much carbs, fats, and protein you should be eating), and an exercise program that is right for you, check out The Refine You Program. Each client gets a customized nutrition and fitness program along with daily support and accountability. We work together to imiplement simple changes in your life. We want to help you be the best and healthiest YOU possible… Mind, Body, and Spirit!

Click here to learn more about The Refine YOU Program.

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